Emily Pitt Larson


I have lived in Colorado for 30 years, married since 2003 and I have 3 children and 10 1/2 grandchildren. I moved to Colorado looking for a better place to raise my kids and I think that it was a good decision, they are amazing! My oldest lives in Valencia, she has 5 children still at home and 2 1/2  live in Fresno, (my grandson in law is 6' 8; he counts as 1 1/2). My son and his wife are in San Francisco with their 2 girls, and my youngest daughter and her husband are here in Colorado. 

I have lived in Australia, Dallas...5 very long months, San Jose, Oceanside and Colorado. In the last 14 years I have traveled to Jamaica, The Yucatan, and Thailand. I hope to go to Tennessee, Kentucky, England, Scotland and Ireland to do some genealogy work.

I keep myself busy with various forms of art, most include the use of fabric in some form or another. I love spending time with my chickens and when I get home from this trip I will begin my search for a dog that needs me as much as I need it.

Seeing everyone is going to be wonderful.


  1. Sounds like you're having a great life! Geneology is very interesting and you've done some cool traveling! Of course, kids & grandkids & dogs are everything.


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