Welcome To The VHHS Class Of 1967 50th Reunion Blog

This will be a space you can visit to view the bios of classmates, both in preparation for our upcoming 50th Reunion and afterwards when you feel like taking another look at where 50 years has landed some of us. Familiarize yourself with names and faces, and enjoy! I will be posting new bios to this blog daily, as they arrive. Whenever I post a new bio I will post a link to the reunion Facebook page (VHHS Classes of 1967 50th Reunion Page). If you haven't already returned your bio questionnaire to me, please do so so it may be included here.

So, as unlikely as it was that I would ever be involved in reunion planning, I stepped in 2 years ago quite unaware of the enormous amount of work and planning there is to pull off one of these events. I am in awe of those who have gone before me!  And to the current committee members along side me with spirit and a common goal but spread out throughout Southern California, Oregon, Utah, and Nevada (Jane Anthony, Shirley Bordeaux Colvin, Geoff Buchiarelli Buckley, Steve Latauska, Carol Mahoney Lacy, Sue Petrie, Kathy Walter Sweigart, and Priscilla Watson Forster), many thanks for your tireless efforts to bring everyone back to together again.

The 50th Reunion planning began 2 years ago with a massive classmate search using primarily social media and word of mouth, then eventually a people search website.  Apologies to those we could not find and condolences to the families and friends of those classmates we discovered had lost their lives at too young an age. Monthly teleconference meetings began shaping this event and brought us to where we are today. My hope is that you'll enjoy your classmates' stories and perhaps make connections you wouldn't otherwise have had the opportunity to make.

Best wishes to everyone,
Sharon Eades Carnes


  1. I am attempting to contact Robyn Palmini Anzelon. Can anyone come me to her?


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