Steve Lafflam


Barbara and I split our time between Colorado and Montana's West Yellowstone.  We've been married 46 years; have 2 children (Matt and Andy), and 4 grandchildren (3 boys, 1 girl) ages 7, 9 11, and 15. We are avid fly fishers, thus the reason we spend a great deal of time in Montana.  We host an annual fly fishing event for a dozen or so wounded warriors from the Project Healing Waters program.  I retired from a combination of Rockwell/Boeing where I managed Environmental Health and Safety for their Space and Defense business.  It included the Space Shuttle program, other rocket engine testing, and laser weapon programs in the U.S. It also included managing environmental clean-up programs for several large Superfund sites around the country.  A claim to fame includes a one-time appearance on the Seinfeld show.
