Karen (Roberts) Damskey


I live in Manhattan Beach, California and have lived here for 41 years.  I began a needlework business in 1976 and it has grown to a hand-knitting and ready to wear boutique. We create unique wearable art. This takes up the majority of my time. It is a family owned and run establishment so we spend a lot of time together. I travel extensively both for business and pleasure, sourcing new suppliers and just plain having fun.

My grandchildren are the light of my life ranging in age from 19 months to 19 years. During the 70's, my husband Bob (of 47 years) was in the military and we were fortunate to land Athens, Greece as our base. It was a blast.


  1. Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion old friend!

  2. Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion old friend!


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