John Andy Hamner


I started off with plans to end up making music. Pretty soon, though, theatre afforded a string of opportunities that were just too much fun not to follow. When I bailed out of UCLA, I started a career that led me through at least 45 job titles, five championship softball trophies, encounters and friendship with a bunch of well-known creative types, more relationships with working people across class, race, profession, political and gender expression, a few hundred plays, musicals and other entertainments directed, played and/or written and produced; and love's been good to me. Most rewarding has been how my "kids" - drama students and colleagues of all ages in schools, artist residencies, private lessons and public performances - have found something in the teaching that continues to propel them through modern living.  Not that I know anything about modern living... not a Luddite, exactly.  I'm only really good at operating a television remote. In two years, Kate, my bride of 18 years, will join me in official retirement, and official freelance artsy endeavoring from here on out.  I still plan to end up playing and singing a lot of music - and telling stories.
