Jane M. Anthony


I went to UCLA in the fall of 1967, and following the advice of Sally Olins I was a Dance Major.  Those were turbulent times and I remember protesting and going on strike due to the Vietnam War.  I also got my introduction to the world of the male species, and how aggressive and selfish they could be, while at the same time being fun and boosting my ego.  I dated Jim Ferguson briefly, who was captain of the water polo team and was in my dorm.  He went on to win awards and medals in the Olympics. Mike Thomas was also in my dorm, but we didn't really hang out. Where are you Mike Thomas?

My sophomore year dance teacher committed suicide, and my English boyfriend went away on a world journey. I quit school, worked at Security Pacific National Bank in Westwood, and then went traveling to Europe and Greece for 4 months. I came home knowing I needed to return to school. I went to UC Berkeley and graduated with a BA in Dramatic Arts in 1973. One of my professors asked me to marry him but I couldn't do it. (Too immature or free spirited?) I returned to Los Angeles to live with my parents and got a job at Security Pacific National Bank in Tarzana. Wow, look what a college degree did for me!

I quit that job, and worked at many restaurants as a chef, waitress, barmaid, and manager. One memorable job was working at Art Laboe's on Sunset, meeting the Coasters, Olympics, and many other famous groups.

I went to Yamano Beauty School on Wilshire and Fairfax, and got my Cosmetology License in the late 70's. Most students there were from Japan, Korea, and Iran. I was a minority but it was quite an experience. I became an assistant in several fancy Beverly Hills salons, working for guys similar to Warren Beatty's character in "Shampoo."  That film was not an exaggeration!  I finally broke off from my boss at Eric Linterman's after a customer slapped me in the face while I was washing her hair. I worked at Bullock's in Sherman Oaks. I hated it. I had my own customers at home, and a Japanese boyfriend I had met at school.

I decided to move to Santa Barbara and worked in a small salon in Summerland. I tried to buy the salon with another hairdresser, but she turned into a paranoid psychopath; I backed out. I got a job at Robinson's in La Cumbre Plaza. I sold cosmetics, skin care, and fragrance, as well as became a make-up artist.

I was a whistle blower; after 3 years at Robinson's I got fired for exposing things that were not equitable in our department, to the head of the store. I took Robinson's to court and won my case! I didn't want to go back to the job even though they offered it to me, but after I left the store the whole department crumbled. I felt strong and powerful!

I had been acting in an improvisational theater group during this period and also was part of a small performing group on the weekends at a dinner theater north of Santa Barbara. I had been working in restaurants, in various capacities, and not earning much money. My dad became ill and I thought I should move closer to my parents who were living in Huntington Beach near my sister and her husband. I also knew I needed to get a more secure job. I was deciding between getting a psychology degree, an MBA, or a teaching credential.

I chose teaching, as there was a shortage of teachers at that time, and wanted a sure bet. I went to UC Irvine and started teaching in 1987. My first job was in one of the 10 worst schools in Los Angeles. There was a special program called the Ten Schools Program and I worked at Compton Avenue Elementary School teaching Kindergarten. I would have stayed there, as we had a great group of teachers, and only twenty children in a class. We used creative techniques, and I was able to start a dance program for all grade levels at my school. I was in the midst of getting a Master's degree in Urban Education and Curriculum from Cal State LA.

I was unfortunately attacked by 5 older boys who entered the school after hours. I definitely suffered from PTSD, and went on a leave of absence. With the encouragement of friends, I still got my degree and returned to teaching after finding a sweet little school far from the scene of the crime. I was only there one year before I changed to a school closer to home for 9 years.

In 1999 I became a traveling visual arts specialist for LAUSD; did this for 12 years. I taught a couple more years as a regular classroom teacher and quit at the end of 2012. I tell you all of this because I want you to know that teaching is a terribly difficult job, and that I feel as though I am out of prison finally! My life has started again...

I am involved with LACMA (LA County Museum of Art) and most of the art museums in and out of Los Angeles. I am an exhibiting artist at the Huntington Beach Art Center where I am on the Artist's Council. I am on the Dance Council Steering Committee at the Colburn School of Music and Performing arts.  I am an active member of the Planned Parenthood Guild of Los Angeles. I work with Film Independent, KPCC, KCSN, KCRW, and American Cinematheque, AFI, the Los Angeles Conservancy, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and too many environmental groups to mention. My calendar is so busy most days I don't know how I ever had time for a full time job.

I have been practicing Yoga and meditation for over 40 years, and don't know how I would cope without my practice. I have had many traumatic events in my lifetime and luckily I can still find a means of staying happy, grounded and centered.

If anyone wants to go to a concert, play, exhibit, or just have a great meal, please stay in touch. I will show you a side of Los Angeles you haven't experienced and promise you'll have a great time as well.
