Douglas Duncan


Education:  UCSB BA 1971; track team. Santa Clara University - JD 1976.  University of WA - MS in Information Management 2003 (yes, I was the oldest in the class).

Family: Married Liz 1973, two sons (a professional editor and a podcaster/author/historian - and four grandchildren. We all live within 9 houses of each other in Madison, WI.

Geography: Sun Valley ->UCSB -> San Luis Obispo -> Cupertino -> Seattle (Redmond) 1976 -> Madison WI 2014.

Career: Private law firm in Seattle for 25 years - business, employment, maritime litigation. Won several bet-the-company trials. Appeared in US Supreme Court 1989. Took a few years off to travel and dabble in high tech investing. Seattle University staff and in-house counsel last 15 years. Retired 2016.

Travel: Favorite international trips: Free-lance reporter/photographer for Senior British Open in Ireland (2000); Galapagos Islands (1999), hiking Inca Trail to Machu Picchu (2001), Cuba (Nov 2016). Upcoming: Antarctica (if it doesn't all melt!)

VHHS - Have primarily stayed in touch with Nadesan, but have periodically been able to meet up with Abbye, Hugo,  Andy/John (Hamner), Candy (Coffman), Aurora and Keith (Crowe).

Military - No.  Draft was shut down in California the moth after I was classified 1-A (Phew!).
