Dolores (Hastings) Crowell


I'm currently living in Littlerock CA and was married 28 years (my husband passed away in 2011).  I have one child and 2 grandchildren.  In the summer of 1978 I was teaching dance in Tujunga and during that time a lady needed a 'web girl' for her circus.  I asked what that was and was told that I would climb one of those long ropes that hang down from the ceiling and do ballet in the air.  So after saying "yes" and working at Lion Country Safari, I met the man that was meant to be my husband! We were married in 1983 where Henry worked at Gene Autry's Melody Ranch in Newhall, CA, and lived there for many years.  My husband actually 'ran away and joined the circus' as a young boy. Together we did comedy trampoline, western whips, and aerial work.  It was a life like no other.  In 1987 our daughter was born and she too worked with us until she married and gave us a granddaughter.  In 2011, Henry passed away and I lost my best friend, but there is a grandson in the picture now.  Between working as an Instructional Aide for special needs children, going to my granddaughters swim meets, and spending time with family, I am kept quite busy and wouldn't change a thing.


  1. Hi, Delores! My brother, Noel Higa, told me about seeing you at the class reunion and he just sent me this amazing bio. I remember our friendship in the very early grades at Pinewood Elementary School and the fact that you danced even at the earliest age. It sounds as though you were one of the fantastic ones in aerial arts and the young aerial artists today could learn a lot from you.

    I'm sorry to hear that you lost your husband, but it sounds as though you had the magic life together that you deserved. I know how you feel about family and cherish my children and grandchildren, too. I will always remember Delores Davalos! I live in Atascadero, CA. Please take care and keep loving life! xoxo


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