Andrea King


I'm currently enjoying a life that includes family, volunteer work, travel, entertaining - all with the love of my later life, Ken Kofman (who calls me his Black Widow).  I'd originally built a great 35 year marriage with Ben Cardozo, the smartest man I ever knew.  Converted to Judaism in 1999. Got through the year following Ben's sudden death in 2008 with the loving support of family and friends.  Bought and remodeled a condo in Santa Monica in 2010.  Had a lovely 3-year relationship with Michael Jondreau; got through the year following his death in 2012 with the loving support of family and friends - again. Retired in 2014 from a lucrative (strike that) fulfilling career in early childhood education.  Arrived at senior citizenship with my natural teeth and hair, and have had several articles (including for the LA Times) and a book published. I am currently not married but have one child. And my #1 proudest accomplishment: Raising our son, Nate Cardozo. He's a brilliant, personable, compassionate attorney who lives with his wife (Andrea!) in Oakland. When he's not traveling the world promoting Internet freedom, neutrality and responsibility for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, he's brewing beer in the garage.
