50th Reunion Attendees

50th Reunion Attendees...

Those of you who are interested in knowing which friends and classmates from high school are attending the VHHS Classes of 1967 50th Reunion August 11-13 need not look any farther. The following is the list of classmates registered to come:

Joseph Adams   >   Marie Acosta  >  Ron Anders   >  Jane Anthony   >  Robyn (Palmini) Anzelon   >   Patricia (Prince) Avnet   >   Richard Bailey   >  Karl Bauman   >  Deborah (Mertz) Benson   >   DJ (Ladd) Bernier   >   Laurel (Herbert) Blair   >  Susanne (Martinez) Brown   >   Geoffrey (Buchiarelli) Buckley   >   Peter Carlson   >   Jim Carnes   >   Sharon (Eades) Carnes   >   Linda (Marenco) Castillo >   George Clark  >  John Collins   >  Shirley (Bordeaux) Colvin   >  Linda (Buchanan) Conrad   >  Bill Crosgrove   >   Keith Crowe   >  Delores (Hastings) Crowell  >  Karen (Roberts) Damskey   >   Elaine (Morales) De La Torre   >   Cathy (Metrovitsch) Doub   >  Christine (Desautels) Douglas   >  Daralene (Beam) Dudley   >   Cheryl (Malbon) Duncan   >  Shirley (Dumble) Dunn   >  Gail (Whiteaker) Embry   >  Trudi Eyraud   >   Kathy (Styles) Fauth   >   Priscilla (Watson) Forster   >   Katherine (Norby) Galbo   >  Barbara (Biglay) Georgeson   >   Mark Golstab   >   Melissa (Bess Derfler) Goodnight   >  Roseann (Machlin) Gray   >  Lori (Kelly) Griffin   >  John Andy Hamner   >  Noel Higa   >  David Jaeckin   >  Carol (Hawk) Jaffray (Class of '66)   >  Linda (Grant) Jones   >  Jill (Probst) Joy   >  Kevin Kelly   >    Andrea King   >  Cynthia (Bell) King + Ron Phelps   >  Tim Kis   >     Suzanne (McQuade) Kussro   >  Carol (Mahoney) Lacy  >   Steve Lafflam   >   Emily (Pitt) Larson  >   Michael Latauska   >  Steve + Jackie (Puntar) Latauska   >   Fred Latuperissa   >  Ruth Lombard   >  Linda (Martin) Mangiafico   >  Stephen (Shuck) McAndrew   >  Peter McArdle   >  Lorna Mercer   >  Aurora (Jimenez) Micheletti   >  Lawrence Millar   >  Lee Morain   > Ted Nash   >   Christina Nelson   >  Julia Newman  >  John Pagones  > Dan Pearson   >  Nadasen Permaul   >  Sue Petrie   >  Steve Piccola   >   Pati (McArdle) Potter (Class of '68)   >   Rosie (Roca) Qualls   >  Robert Ramsey   >  Oman Richardson   >  Ann (Cameron) Richman   > Toni Roberts   >  Mary (Sanchez) Ronalds   >  David + Caryn (Schloss) Saine   >  Marshall Sass   >  Steven Schaefer   >  Mark Sebastyen   >   Joel Selznick   >  Georgia Simons   >  Johnny Robinson Soohoo   >  Leslie (Callaway) Sorenson   >  Melody (Welman) Spicer  >  Don Storrs  >  Pam (Lee) Sunderland   >   Kathy (Walter) Sweigart   >   Gail (Probst) Tevere  >  Brigette (Liebl) Tyko   >  Janis (Burgan) Ulmer   >   Stephen Walker   >   Susan (Mivelaz)West   >   Jan (Vernon) Wierman   >     Kim Wong   >  Beth (Dinesfeld) Yale   >  Linda (Peters) Yuro

We exceeded our wildest expectation... 150+ classmates and guests.  What a weekend this is going to be! 
